June 4, 2010

The Checklist

College life is here! Yes! And of course, I would not spend my college life wastefully, I need to make a checklist of what I need to do, to change, to learn or to get! It is similar to a resolution, only it is done before a change in the phase of life.

If you are an avid reader of WP, you’ll be well aware that I’ll having a great shift in my life. From studying in a not-so-famous college and living in the green pastures of an air base at Pampanga with my family, to studying in a 400-year-old nationally-renowned college and living in a dormitory along the crowded streets of Manila – and that is for four years (if I maintain my scholarship, that is.)

At this point, I made a checklist for my college life. I am going to setup my short- and long-term plans in my college life. Here it goes…

1. Know Manila – first off, I need to know a hefty load of jeepney routes, of labyrinth-like roads and the twists and turns around Manila. I’ll learn what to ride on where to go, for I’ll be living there soon! It is really unlike here in Pampanga wherein there are only up to jeepney routes at a time and they are even color-coded.

2. Learn the piano – for all my life, I have been desperate for this one instrument – the piano. (I exaggerated it, my passion for it began on high school.) Never mind the guitar, the violin, the flute or the drums.. I’ll prioritize the piano! (But if I have no choice, I’ll try to learn the guitar.)

3. Publish an online novel – nothing fulfills a writer’s heart than for his write-ups be read. I have so many ideas in my mind, but I can’t seem to find the time.

4. Master body language – non-verbal communication accounts for 93% of the total message we relay, the words just make up 7%. I want to be a master of body language, to learn the signs and to try to control it. Currently, I am reading books with regards to those topics.

5. Learn more of Photoshop – if life will allow me, I want to learn Photoshop more. I am amazed at what I see in some sites, and I want to learn them too! I need to learn professional-style editing! Hahaha!

6. Be a great speaker – sometimes, I also need to drop the pencil or hold loose of the mouse, well, I have a voice box to use. I want to learn how to control speed, rhythm, pitch and the other factors that makes a speaker a great speaker.

7. Join the school paper – once a writer, always a writer, and that’s why the urge of being a campus journalist still runs in me.

8. Serve God more – at number eight, my favorite number, is one thing that I not just want, but I need to do. Serve God always.

9. Change my face – haha, not the face transplant, but just some improvements on my impoverished face. Pimple removal, skin whitening – all in a gradual and a natural way. Haha!

10. Improve my vocabulary – I am planning to read more and more books about words and wordplay. I just want to know more words in the English language to improve my writing ang speaking.

11. Master Sudoku – this is one simple-looking number-placement that I want to master. Being one of my pastimes when I am totally bored and any gadget is not in place, Sudoku is such a brain-trainer. Currently, I can’t finish Very Hard puzzles, and I can barely hang on to those of four-star difficulty. I want to nail ‘em soon!

12. Read the Bible and Devotion books – this is one habit that I would like to spark up in college life. Everyone needs their daily dose of God’s words in their lives to enlighten our minds, to jump start our daily routines and to end well before we sleep.

13. Gain weight – aaahhh. This is one physical change that I have wanted for so long. I want to gain weight; I want to build more mass; I want to have those kilos. Having a cute face is not enough, if you have a body that is really thin and a BMI that is rated as severely underweight! Haha!

14. Get organized – My new year’s resolution for 2012 (see tumblr) – get organized is going to be one of my college resolutions! Because I am living all alone in a shared room, I’d better get organized on my things before I see my underwears flying off the windows of our third-story room.

15. Continue poetry – How about a Tinig ng Torpe XXVIII?! Poetry is one of my hobbies, ever since I was eight years old and I have no plans on quitting over it, instead, I’m gonna read more poems and get myself even more inspired to write more.

16. Update WhitePanorama – if I fail to follow Internet on wherever he goes, as much as possible, I will still update WhitePanorama. I’m still working things out on how.

17. Go back in Pampanga – of course, my heart is at my hometown, and I need to go back home, maybe at least once a month, or once every two months.

18. Watch an NCAA game – and since I am in Letran, the defending champion on the NCAA, I can’t miss the chance to watch out an NCAA game. They say the thrill of seeing the athletes of your school compete against other schools is different, and I’m gonna try it here! Arriba! :D

19. Get my Plurk to 100 Karma – I won’t let my four years of college life pass without bringing my Plurk to the fullest Karma! I gotta find a way to update it daily in spite of being busy and in spite of the absence of Internet connection!

20. Study colors – if I’ll learn more of Photoshop, I should have that passion to learn colors. On the tip of the iceberg that I know, colors express different emotions, have their certain pairs when it comes to combination and has a profound effect on the one seeing it. I want to learn how to use them, the hues, the brightness, the shades, the tints, the saturation etc…

21. Remember the days – I want to keep a record of all significant events of my college life. It will be similar to a log book, and not necessarily a diary. I just want to keep in track of the important events that, who knows, may change my life in the future.

22. Be a little less selfish and a lot more compassionate – I want to be that friend that I never came to be when I was in high school. After I touched, and I was burned, now the lessons have been learned. I guess I’m off to a better Kenneth and college life will be a good start.

The last four are SECRETS.
The first one involves an examination, the second one involves clothes, the third one involves one of my profile pictures in Facebook and the fourth one involves a promise I made to someone. Promises are made to be broken, but as much as possible, you should not break it. Hahaha.

That’s it. I’ll have some blog posts as each one of them are being checked out of the list. I just hope I can complete them, or at least just accomplish half of them. My checklist is so fragile as I see it at the moment.

Make your own checklist, I suggest. Plan for your life.

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